The most important lessons on successfully compounding wealth from our 50 years in the equity markets

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Davis Advisors Launches Davis Select International ETF (DINT)

Davis Advisors Launches Davis Select International ETF (DINT)

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Before investing in the Davis ETFs, you should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Funds. The prospectus and summary prospectus contains this and other information about the Funds. You can obtain performance information and a current prospectus and summary prospectus by visiting or calling 800 279 0279. Please read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing or sending money. Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal.

This video includes candid statements and observations regarding investment strategies, individual securities, and economic and market conditions; however, there is no guarantee that these statements, opinions or forecasts will prove to be correct. These comments may also include the expression of opinions that are speculative in nature and should not be relied on as statements of fact.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Equity markets are volatile and an investor may lose money.

Davis Advisors is committed to communicating with our investment partners as candidly as possible because we believe our investors benefit from understanding our investment philosophy and approach. Our views and opinions include “forward-looking statements” which may or may not be accurate over the long term. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words like “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” or similar expressions. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are current as of the date of this report. We disclaim any obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. While we believe we have a reasonable basis for our appraisals and we have confidence in our opinions, actual results may differ materially from those we anticipate.

Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 actively traded blue chip stocks. The Dow Jones is calculated by adding the closing prices of the component stocks and using a divisor that is adjusted for splits and stock dividends equal to 10% or more of the market value of an issue as well as substitutions and mergers. The average is quoted in points, not in dollars.

Dalbar, a Boston based financial research firm that is independent from Davis Advisors, researched the result of actively trading mutual funds in a report entitled Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB). The Dalbar report covered the time periods from 1999–2018. The Lipper Equity LIM Universe includes all U.S. registered equity and mixed-equity mutual funds with data available through Lipper. Returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions. The fact that buy and hold has been a successful strategy in the past does not guarantee that it will continue to be successful in the future.

Shares of the Davis Fundamental ETF Trust are not deposits or obligations of any bank, are not guaranteed by any bank, are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency, and involve investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.

Foreside Fund Services, LLC
3 Canal Plaza, Suite 100, Portland, Maine 04101