How investors are using DUSA, the types of managers we pair well with in a diversified portfolio allocation


Dodd Kittsley:

We're seeing the advisors use the DUSA in a lot of different ways, but probably the most prevalent is a reflection of how unique the product is.
It pairs well with so many different strategies not just in the large cap value bucket, but also in the large cap growth bucket as well.

We urge people to take a look. It's not like one manager winner take all the exposures that each manager provides can be incredibly different.

And we are just so differentiated from other active managers. You know, one example would be in the large cap value space, equity dividend has been a very, very popular place, both ETFs as well as mutual funds.

We pair it incredibly well there with not much overlap. And it helps from a diversification standpoint of being able to have exposures in different areas.

The other areas, benchmark aware managers or index based managers. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that approach, but we pair incredibly well because, again, there's very little overlap, and we position our portfolio only in the positions where we think are going have the greatest return opportunity given its amount of risk involved. So we pair very well with that. We pair very well with other managers too, and we urge folks that allocation models is not as simple as just buying one per slice of the pie, the market is evolved, your opportunity set is evolved, your toolbox has gotten better, more cost effective, more efficient, use more managers. It can help differentiate your practices, financial advisors as well.


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